• +374 11240142

  • 10 Davit Anhaght Street, Yerevan, Armenia

EUA delegation’s participation in the International Summer Convention (ISC 2024) and Erasmus+ CompIIT Project Consortium Meeting held in Dortmund, Germany from August 26 to August 30, 2024

Within the framework of the International Summer Convention, representatives of EUA participated in intercultural training and

research talks, during which Tigran Mkrtchyan, a lecturer of the Chair of Management, presented a report on the topic of “Opportunities to apply behavioral economics to facilitate pro-environmental behavior of the society”, as well as the Vice-Rector for External Relations and Internationalization of EUA and Erasmus + CompIIT Project Coordinator, Gohar Avetisyan, presented the European University of Armenia and the one-year European professional educational programs it implements to the representatives of 25 institutions who were participating in the International Summer Convention. Within the framework of the mentioned above visit, Erasmus+ CompIIT Project coordinator Gohar Avetisyan and Project contact person Karine Sargsyan participated in 2 consortium meetings of Erasmus+ CompIIT and DAAD-funded InduTwin projects.

In the framework of the InduTwin project financed by DAAD, it was clarified that the European University of Armenia during the period of 2025 will be provided with opportunities for mobilities of both students and representatives of academic and administrative staff, the possibility of free publication of articles in the periodicals included in the SCOPUS system jointly with the representatives of the faculties of universities that are members of the consortium, and the realization of a double diploma educational program in Information Technologies.

During the consortium meeting of the Erasmus+ CompIIT Project, all of the member educational institutions, such as the European University of Armenia, Fachhochschule Dortmund, Leuven Catholic University, Goris State University and Yerevan Telecommunication Research Institute presented their interim reports and specified the steps which were implemented by them in order to prepare the interim report of the project.

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